Monday, December 8, 2008

What India needs...

Now these are my views as to what an Indian citizen is expecting from our leaders.Well we all know that we Indians, are passing through tough times. And in these tough times we need to take tough actions.And this can happen with only good leadership.I am not afraid to say that Indian political leadership has failed again and again.

Currently we have two issues/topics that need to be dealt --
1. Terrorism
2. Economic factors.

Our leaders are unable to tackle terrorism and this will hit our role/position in world business environment. And this will affect millions of people in long run and probably this is what expected by terrorists.

And if we need to come out of this situation i.e, from the economic recession and to fight against terror, we need strong leader to lead millions of people and that leader should be strong enough to take extraordinary actions. And the irony of the fact, we can not create new political system now, as it will take its own sweet time.

Now let us look at our politicians. We all know that they are bad, but till date their actions or inactions didn't kill us, but it had hurt many times. But we have as usual compromised and adjusted as this is how our leader can think. But now this has reached peak, now our leaders/political system needs pill or surgery.

Another point which I think is our bureaucracy. Let me be specific as to what is bureaucracy. It is non-elective government officials, like our IAS, IPS, Election commissioner,IRS etc., Has our politicians thought as to what requires a good person or what a requires to work as IAS, IPS. I seriously doubt on this.

The methodology is still the same old left by our colonial rulers i.e., Britishers. Where more emphasis is given for the people who can carry out basis what has been given or the people who can carry orders.

But we do not require this kind of bureaucrats for this next Gen. We need people who have clear thought process and who can build the society. Further most of the bureaucrats are under or forced to take orders from politicians some times against their will. And there are no doubts and I am afraid to say that we have some incompetent bureaucrats as well.
To make/have good bureaucrats we require good education system.There should be massive investment in our education system. Here would like to question to all my readers, how many are ready to admit their sons or daughters in government schools?
Well even if you ask me, I would say " no". Because this is what confidence given by our government sponsored schools.

Now I really feel and not afraid to say that all our existing politicians should sit back and give chance to true visionary leaders to allow the country to grow.

Given a chance, would like to question all my political leaders what are those basic problems faced by our country.

Well I seriously doubt whether can anybody answer. Let me share what I think.
1. First and foremost thing after 26/11, I feel security of citizens, not the security of VVIPs and VIPs
2. Second, Infra structure. Which includes high speed roads, high speed trains, Electracity,(wind energy, solar energy etc.,)What happened to Vajpayee's dream of golden quadrangle ?
3.Urban and Rural classification --> Request our leaders to stop the nonsense of saying proud that about 70% of Indians live in villages. Would like to know why we require this classification. Why only 30% of citizens should enjoy so called facilities of road, rail transport. Still there are many villages where there are no road and rail facility.
4. Educational systems --> request the government to fill all the vacancies and make them accountable by giving good infrastructure
5. Government Institutions/ Bureaucrats -- Make them free from government control and should be autonomous.

These might to very few which I as common thinks but I think if these are provided major problems would be solved.

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